Available in 16 sizes: 42 ÷ 72mm;
Three circumferential grooves for increased primary press-fit;
Mirror finish on the inside to reduce polyethylene wear;
Cranially prolonged spherical shape and protruded edge (+ 3mm) in order to avoid dislocation;
Caudal unloading: prevents conflicts with the femoral neck;
High-nitrogen steel;
Double Ti SPS + HA OSPROVIT plasma spray coating for greater secondary stability.

Available in 16 sizes: 42 – 72mm;
Longitudinal grooves that facilitate the proper distribution of the cement for anchoring; optimal
Mirror finish on the inside to reduce polyethylene wear;
High-nitrogen steel.
Available in 16 sizes: 42 – 72mm;
Iliac flange for cortex screws, diam. 4.5mm;
Two pegs to anchor the cup in the acetabulum;
Three circumferential grooves for increased primary press-fit;
Mirror finish on the inside to reduce polyethylene wear;
High-nitrogen steel cup and stainless-steel iliac flange;
Double Ti SPS + HA OSPROVIT plasma spray coating for increased secondary stability;
Cortex screws: stainless steel.

The high molecular weight cross-linked polyethylene insert is available in 28mm and 22.2mm internal diameter and is retentive to 28mm and 22.2mm heads.
Offset impactor
The offset impactor enables controlled positioning of the cemented and uncemented Dualis cup in the case of anterior approach.

Hinweis: Bitte lesen Sie vor der Verwendung des Systems die Gebrauchsanweisung sowie OP-Technik für etwaige Vorsichtsmaßnahmen, Indikationen und Kontraindikationen, sowie eventuell auftretende Nebenwirkungen.